Habush Habush and Rottier

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Forbes interviews Judy Faulkner

A friend of mine forwarded this to me: An Interview With The Most Powerful Woman In Health Care

Judy finally said yes to an interview, and she got a better picture taken. It's worth a read.

Edit: 6/18/13

I found this article, published around the same time as the Forbes article:

Michelle Malkin--The Obama Crony in Charge of Your Medical Records

I worked at Epic when Judy was tapped for Obama's HITECH / MU / EMR panel, and I have always wondered about that apparent conflict of interest.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oh, Epic...

I was doing research the other day, trying to find what a particular medical abbreviation stood for, and I found myself looking at the Epic Survival Menu. It looks like it's written by a provider, one who is not terribly pleased with his organization's implementation. A lot of it is organization-specific, like the slowness in bringing new clinics up on Epic, but some of it is advice that Epic needs to hear.

I encourage you to visit the site (link opens in new tab/window), but I'll share a few gems here:
  •  Epic's "vanilla" version is too primitive and requires too much refining and training.  Epic needs to sell a better "vanilla" version. 
  •  Standardize all process!  We should not have to close somethings, sometimes by closing the tab, other times "Alt A," F9 or clicking on "Close Encounter."  Such a waste of time!
  •  I was told I will give out trade secret by writing positive changes.  So I will no longer post positive changes. 
I admit I laughed out loud at that last one. It's far better to post a thousand things that are terrible with Epic, than post one thing they do extremely well. It makes about as much sense as their HR practices or their Caché code.